Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Wholesale Real Estate in a Down Market

Wholesale Real Estate in a Down Market

by Judson Voss

ust as with selling any other product in the world, real estate is bought and sold at wholesale prices each and every day. Real estate wholesale buying generally happens between two real estate investors. One investor finds the property and then sells it to another investor who is interested in rehabilitation of the property for sale or as a long-term rental. In this process the first investor generally never really takes possession of the property and makes money only on the transaction itself.

People often wonder about real estate wholesale buying and selling in a down real estate market. Is it a good time to do it? Is it a bad time to do it? The answer is that in order to buy real estate wholesale you need to be able to put together a good, solid wholesale real estate deal. If you can put the wholesale real estate deal together, then you can do wholesale real estate business in any real estate market up or down.

Have you ever talked to a struggling stock investor and they told you that the market was bad and it was not a good time to invest in it? Think about that for a moment. Isn't the smart thing to purchase stocks while they are at a low price, and then later sell them at a higher one? Real estate investment really is the same thing. When the market is down or bad is one of the best times to purchase real estate to hold on to for a while, rent out, and make some serious cash on over time.

Don't get me wrong, real estate wholesale buying deals are not usually simple or easy. However, with a good group of professionals on your side, you can make a lot of money in the wholesale real estate market.

The bottom line is what generally holds you back as a real estate investor is not the state of the market, but rather the state of the thoughts within your head. The sad truth is that many people use a down market as an excuse not to do business. You really should learn to ignore the naysayers, not use an up or down market as your crutch not to do deals, and buy real estate wholesale whenever the deal is right for your investment strategy.

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